14 FEBRUARY 1969, page 27

No. 538: The Winners

Trevor Grove reports: In Rosencrantz and Gui!- denstern Are Dead the eponymous heroes are shown in conversation with each other during the periods that they are off stage in......

After You, Cecil

AFTERTHOUGHT JOHN WELLS My father, whose name I forget, was a fat, lazy man in a tweed pork-pie hat with a tobacco-stained moustache. Someone I once met somewhere told me that......

Chess No. 426

PHILIDOR V. Bartolovic (Problem. 1951). White to play and mate in eight moves; solution next week. Solution to no. 425 (Mansfield): Q - B 5!, threat R - Q 4. 1 . Kt - K 2; 2 P -......

No. 540: Critique

COMPETITION Set by H. I. Freeman: Poems have on occa- sion been written consisting of a single letter, or even a dot. Competitors are invited to write a critical appreciation of......