The Senatorial elections on Sunday ended in a complete victory
for M. Gambetta. There were seventy-five retirements by lot and four death vacancies, and of the total number the Republicans have carried twenty-one seats away from the Re- actionaries, and have not lost one. They gain, therefore, forty- two votes on a division, and as the Reactionaries, plus M. Jules Simon's group, had on a test-vote only a majority of thirteen, the Gambettists possess a clear majority of twenty-nine. This makes M. Gambetta supreme in the Senate, but he still presses Revision, not for the sake of Senatorial reforms, but to place the principle of election by scrutin de lists in the Constitu- tion. His friends are very indignant, but he will resign if they defeat him ; and we have endeavoured to show elsewhere that he is within his constitutional right, and that he will almost inevitably win.