14 JANUARY 1882, page 13
The Chief Grievance Of The Farmers.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR. "] SIR, — The farmer at this moment has many advisers who would advise him to waste breath in urging impracticable claims. Let me suggest to......
The Irish Landlords And Their. Complaints.
To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTLT01.1 SIR, — In your article of the 7th inst., on " The Irish Landlords in Caucus," you altogether miss the chief point of their case, which is—to......
The Irish Landlords And The Land Act.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR." . 1 Sra,—The Irish landlords who are asking for compensation for the injustice done them by the Land Act, quietly take for granted in all......