Details begin to arrive of the persecution of the Jews
in Poland and Russia, and show conclusively that in widely separated places the mobs plunder the Jews, beat them, and occasionally violate their women ; that the local authorities are indifferent or conniving, and that the central power is dis- creditably remiss in maintaining order. The whole account is disgraceful to a Government which, if it does not main- tain order, has no excuse for existing, and which can and does punish any offences alleged against Jews. We trust that the voice of Europe will induce the Russians to do justice, and that the cultivated Jews will, for the future, perceive that their interest can never lie in massacre and outrage. Their English leader jeered at similar, though far greater, Christian sufferings in Bulgaria ; and their Press unanimously all through Europe defended the Turks, and defends them now. They now see what letting savagery loose means. The massacre of Christians is no worse than the massacre of Jews ; but it is as bad, and should be equally condemned, —a truth which the Jewish news- papers, after Batuk, acknowledged in theory only.