The Lord Mayor of London's Association for the Defence of
Property in Ireland has judged wisely in deciding at last, as it did yesterday week, to put its funds at the disposal of the Irish Association for the same purpose. Though it would have been better to have announced that resolve before the scheme had been half-discredited by the Merchant Taylors' speech of the Lord Mayor, even now it is better late than never. The London Association will hardly now succeed in raising anything like the sum it might have raised under wiser auspices, bat it is now probable that what it does raise will be carefully and prudently spent. The Lord Mayor boasted at the meeting of Friday week that "he had never put his hand to any public undertaking from which he had withdrawn ;" but no one ever charged him with withdraw- ing from it, but rather with injuring it by putting not only his hand, but his foot in it. We may trust now that he has with- drawn, not his hand, but the party spirit with which he dis- turbed the work which he had proposed to himself.