The Churchman, January. (Elliot Stock.)—The paper of this number is
a learned essay on the words "alms and oblations," in .the Prayer for the Church Militant,—quite conclusive, it seems to us, as a refutation of the common notion of the High Churchmen that the word " oblations" bears reference to the elements. Both words describe offerings made by the people. The evidence collected is overwhelming. Here is a specimen, from a witness whose testimony is peculiarly conclusive. Oae of Archbishop Sancroft's articles of inquiry in 1686 was this :—" When the Holy Communion is adminis- tered amongst you, are the alms and oblations of devout persons duly collected and received ? Are they constantly disposed of to pious and charitable uses ?" Dr. F. Robinson makes some suggestions as to altering, in the way of shortening and of giving greater latitude, as in extempore prayer, of the Church services. "Presbyter" makes a powerful defence of "Evening Communion."