14 JULY 1832, Page 11


Arrived—At Gravesend, Joh: 1091, Sese.5trl.:. IA.:dell, from Mat;Els; and Moira. Beadle. from Bengal. At the t■la.7 1st, iiaries Kerr, rodie,11-oni ;:eyloa ; 3d, A. 1. Drew, from 1tlauritilis. At Madras, Mani, 2d, Tarbutt, from Bengal; 4th, Severn. Ilmithwaite, from London ; 10th. Neptune. Cumberlege, front ditto. At NeW South Wales, February 15th, Asia, Steel. from London. Sailed—Front Grow-send, :July 5:11, John Craig. Lawson, for Van Diemen's Land; Cu,, Lady Ratites, Boarellier, for Bombay ; Cohn:bine, Brown, for Mauritius ; 7th. Catmr, Thompson, for Madras ; Eriten, Parker, for Singapore; 11th Glam.:von, Brown, for the Cape.