The French Plays.
COVENT GARDEN, one of the ancient seats of the National Drama, is now become a French Theatre! The dynasty of the IC.EhintEs is at an end; and the last of the family, abandoning......
Awful Condition Of The Premier And The Leader Of The
HOUSE OF COMMONS. Tim swearing-scene at Guildhall, on Wednesday, is thus gra- phically described by one of the unseen rulers of public opinion —one of the schoolmasters behind a......
University Representation.
IN answer to a proposal of Lord HADDINGTON'S to give two mem- bers to the four Scotch Universities, Lord BROUGHAM, it seems, observed, that were the arrangement now for the......
Duties Of The Lord Chancellor.
WHEN Lord BROUGHAM entered upon the heterogeneous func- tions of his office, he bestowed great attention on the very impor- tant one of hearing and - aleciding appeals from the......
Embarkation Of Fielding In 1754 And Of Sir Walter Scott
IN 1832. Two affecting incidents in the history of literature have been placed in juxtaposition by the C'hron'icle,—the departure of Sir WALTER Scorr from London, and the......