14 JULY 1832, Page 11


rouglunongers, a free Press is the only resource of the People. You are aware that six Boroughs in the county are joined, in the return of a representative, iii lieu of the rotten Borough of Montgomery. Now three of these, Newtown, Welsh Pt-al, and Moatenmery—the third :a mere village, and bolIi the second and thi, ,1 under the sway of Lord Chive—have been augmented bv tracts pf agricul tural country ; il-t the three resin-et:0Jc Borough, of Llanidlues, Llan- fyili la anti Mach:, 11.1:!,, !tars been preit.4 atrietid roViard to the towns ! Against these ho ta•tition was sent no more than a week ago from the town of Newtown I., Irt has never !,ret,enteci. Withont impeaching, the int.,-t!.• the 1,-alcpeadent patty in thi.t county have every reasou to eotalwo•. . ,lio,,vn to thrra of the t,:wits, and of

, .

the unfairness shown to of the manner in whisk they

have b...a trede:.! • ;"! Nr:qt. avoihng part'llity in fa.. vont of their poll ,.:,!,• ,:•; :s have 1,•ru,ed tlumn jwztic, ! A NT RE NDP t■PF.,