Monday, The New Musical Drama, called THE CLIMBING BOY.
With THE EVIL EYE, and other Entertainments. Taesday, THE CLIMBING BOY, With IROSINA. Rodeo, Mrs. George Wood. And 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, BY ADVERTISEMENT. In which Mr. Reeve gives a variety of Imitations. Boxes 4s. Pit 2s. Gallery Is.
No. 11, LOMBARD STREET, at the Entrance of the Old Post Office, London.
JOHN G. It AVENSHAW, EST Chairman. Sotts: Locu, Esq. M.P. Deputy Chairman. W. C. Woodrum, Esq. Robert Mitffird, Esq. john W. Buckle, Esq. James Morris, Esq. William Copland, Esq.. Richard al . Raikes, Esq. William 11. Dowson, Esq. Robert Rickards. Esq. Sir T. IL Farip filar, Bart. John Shure, Esq. „ Nicholas Garry, Esq. A. II. Thomson, Esq. George Lyall, Esq. John Thornton, Esq. S. aladoribanks, Esq. M.P. John Tulloch, Esq. Rowland Esq. James Talffich, Esq.
L. Loyd, Esq. II. S. Thornton, Esq. A.W. notions, Esq. M.P. W. Ward, Esq. In the LI FE DEPARTMENT, the Bonuses on Po- licies in force at Christnms 1S2s t‘xeeeded 1 per cent. per Ann. upon the Sums insured, on an average of the different Ages.
In the FIRE DEPARTMENT, a Return of 10 per cent, was declared on t he thu of June. upon the Premiums received on Polieies widell had beeu in force Seven Years at Christmas 1831 ; and is now payable at this Office, or by the Country Ammts ; but if not applied for before the 1st June 1933, will be tbrfeited.
NoTtcr. IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Assurances which expire at allosommine must be renewed within Fir teen Days at this 011ice,—or with Mr. SAHS. No. 1. St. James's 'Street, corner of Pall Mall,—or with the Com- pany's Agents throughout the Kingdom—otherwise they become void.
GEO. KEYS, Secretary.
QOCIETY for the DISCHARGE and KJ RELIEF or PERSONS IMPRISONED for SMALL DEBTS, throughout ENGLAND and WALES. • Established 1772. Plums:NT—The Earl of ROMNEY.
• VICE-PRESIDENTS. Lord De Dunstanville Sir F. Burdett, Bart. M.P.
Lord Kenyon Charles Edwd. Pigon, Esq.
Rt. Hou.Sir R.Peel, Bt. M.P.
TREASURER—Benjamm Bond Cabbell, Esq. AUDITORS—John Pepys, Esq. and Colin Mackenzie, Esq. At a MEETING of GOVERNORS, held in Craven Street, on Wednesday, the 4th of July 1832, the cases of 65 Petitioners were considered, of which 34 were ap- proved, 17 rejected, 4 inadmissible, and 10 deferred for Inquiry. Since the Meeting held 6th June, 105 debtors, of whom 78 had wives and 222 children, have been dis- charged from the Prisons of England and Wales; the ex- pense of whose liberation, including every charge con- nected with the Society, was 2391.13s. 3d.; and the follow- ing—Benefactions received since the last Report:- 1. s.d. Coutts and Co., from 1. s. d.
Miss Smyth A. 2 0 0 a Sum left at their Mrs. Barnard A. 2 0 0 disposal under the Rev. Dr. Hughes A. 2 2 0 Will of the into C. P. Cooper, Esq... 1 0 0 Lady M. Duncan 200 0 0 J. S. ' 5 0 0 Rev.G.Waddington.pr. Found in Letter-box, Cocks and Co....A 2 2 0 Bank-note,No.8,078 5 0 0 J. Pitford, Esq. per J. Gowen, Esq. 5 0 0 Drummond% .• 80 0 0
A Friend to the F.Burton,Esq.do.A. 2 0 0
Charity 2 0 0 LadyC.W.Wynn,per
B.F.III.M.perMessrs Hammersley&Co.A.5 0 0
'ferries and Co 4 0 0 Rev. F. Pennant, pr.. The Jury of theCourt Hoare and Co...A. 2 2 0 of Exchequer, per MissE.Barnardolo. A.2 2 0
Mr. G. Redmayne 6 1 1 W. Fuller, Esq. do.A. 5 5 0 Benefactions are received by Benjamin Bond Cabbell, Esq. the Treasurer, No. 1, Brick Court, Temple; also by the following Bankers :—Messrs. Cocks, Dorrien, Drum- rnonds, Homes, Hammersleys, Hoares, Whitmore, Veres ; and by the Secretary, No.7, Craven Street, Strand, where the Books may be seen by those who are inclined to sup- port the Charity, and where the Society meet on the first Wednesday in every month. JOSEPH LUNN, Secretary. N.B. The Expenditure of the Society, in the s. d. Discharge and Relief of 2,080 Debtors, during the year 1931, was 5227 15 8 The Ordinary Income of the Society, during • the same period, was 4 102 13 3 The Expenditure exceeded the ordinary in- come by 1 125 2 5 ATKINSON'S BEARS' GREASE, for the Growth of Hair.—This Article, when ge- nuine, and procured from the Animal, in its native climate, iseasily known by,those who have:once used it. It pene- trates sooner, retains its Moisture longer, and on.Analy- sis is found materially varied from all other Animal or Vegetable Oils. 3. and E. ATKINSON, Perfumers, beg to inform the Public, that the Bears' Grease imported by them has given the most general satisfaction. Its pecu- liar properties for regenerating the Hair being now proved to a demonstration, they will only add, that independent of Promoting the Growth, it is very pleasant for dressing the Hair, making it beautifully soft and glossy; but as there are several -Imitations, it is necessary to observe, that there is a small Address Label attached to each Pot, Printed in Colours, similar to a Patent Medicine Stamp, and the lowest-priced Pot is 2s..6d. Also MAHOMED'S TURKISH DYE, for changing Grey or Red Hair on the Head, Whiskers, or Eyebrows, to a permanent Brown or Black, without staining the Skin; or the finest Linen and the Process is so simple, that any Lady or Gentleman may change their own Hair with Ease and Secrecy. Sold by J. and E. Aimsrsow, Perfumers, removed from 44. Gerrard Street, to 24, Old Bond Street; and,by appoint- ment, by most Perfumers.
A SPIRING to the Honour of becoming Li. one of your Representatives in a Reformed Par- liament, I feel it to be due to you, as it is at the same time more 'satisfactory to myself, previously to paying my Respects to you by a Personal Canvass, publicly and explicitly to state the Grounds upon which I presume to solicit your support. With many amongst you, I have the pleasure of being Personally Acquainted; to many more. may Name as a Member or a Family long connected with the Mercantile anti Shippiug Interests of the Metropolis, is not, I trust, unknown. Educated as a Man of Business, Practically Conver- sant, from early Life. with those Great Interests on the Prosperity of which the Welfare of the Empire so Ilia- terialle depends, but whieh to you must naturally be the Object's of more peculiar A usiety.—Identified with you in curb Feelings from Similarity of Pursuits and Inter- ests, yet with ample Leisure to fulfil the Ditties of au Efficient and Workin., Member of the Legislature.—a Constaut Resident either in London or within the County of Middlesex,-1 venture to believe that so Mr as Adven- titious Cireams-tances can encourage such a Hope. I nun not iill, gether Ill.qualitied for the I lonourable Station to 'which I aspire. how far, Gentlemen, I may be enabled satisfactorily to fulfil the high Ibith.s which would devolve upon your Representatke, I must not, of cour,, venture to predict ; that I should at least diseharge them Fearlessly, Zea. lously, and Conseient Musty, I need not. I trust, declare. I may add, with perfeet Sincerity, t hat as I have from Early Life looked upon the being chosen a Member of the 'House of Commons by the Free and Unbiassed Voices of his Fellow Countrymen, as the Proudest Dis- tinction to which an Englishman can at Mitt, so I should feeLyour Approbation to be my highest Reward. Of my Political Views and Principles the necessary Limits of this Address w ill only permit me Welly to state, that I ant the Finn Friend of Civil and Religious Liberty; that I have been, throughout the late arduous Struggle, an ardent Advocate, as far as my Influence ex- tended, of the Great Measure of Reform; that the Policy that tends to preserve Peace Abroad and secure Economy at Home will find in me a firm and consistent Supporter; that I belong to no Party, Wear the Badge of no Faction, and will neither support nor oppose any mea- sure but from OW sole consideration of its influence upon the Interests of the Nation and of my Constituents.— interests which, well understood, I believe to be insepa- rably combined. . With the assurance, Gentlemen, that I shall speedily pay you my personal respects. I have the honour to
remain Your very obedient humble servant, WILLIAM CLAY. Salvador° House, Bishopsgate Street, 13th July 1832.
EXTRACT from, and BALSAM of, ROSES.—These esteemed and elegant Articles are most respectfully offered to the Nobility andsgentry. by IIIGGE. BROCEDANK, and RIDGE, of No.35, New Bond Street, as the most delicate and effectual preservatives of the Hair, and as contributing to it a gloss and brightness which compositions prepared from ardent spirits destroy. The EXTRACT is a liquid, distilled from Flowers, grown by the Proprietors, and when applied in washing the Hair renders it soft, and of the most delicate texture. The BALSAM is a Pomade, and will be successfully applied in promoting its growth and luxuriance.
MAGNESIAN APERIENT," decidedly the most agreeable saline purgative ever offered to the Public. This unique preparation unites all the active powers of the most approved saline purgatives, with the palatable qualities of a glass of Soda Water ; but, unlike them, it never produces the slightest nausea. In torpid state of the liver and boivels, bilious affections, cholera morbus, pains in the bead from constipation, a disordered state of the stomach, nausea, and violent sickness, it will be found d safe, speedy, and effectual remedy. It gives in- stantaneous relief in the heartburn, is of great service in preventing piles, fistula, and gout, and in alleviating the febrile symptoms attendant out the latter affection. De- rangement of the stomach, 3:c., arising from a too free in: dulgence in the gratifications of the table, is speedily re. moved by a teaspoonful taken early in the morning. Sold wholesale and retail by Movcrat and SMITH, Chemists, Hull, and at their Deptk. 41, Ludgate Street; Sanger, Oxford Street; Johnson. Cornitill, London: also at all the Wholesale Medicine Warehouses in Londou ; and 'Land R. Rainites's, Edinburgh and Dublin.
WHITE HANDS.—ALMOND SOAP, made from the purest Oil of Almonds. J. and E. Antncsos respectfully inform the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public, that they have succeeded in making a Soap from Almond Oil, combining all the soften- ing and beautifying qualities of the Almond, with the de- tersive properties of the common Alkaline Soaps; and this Soap they beg to recommend as quite different to all hitherto named Almond Soaps, which have merely the name, being made from Lucca. Cocoa Nut, and other cheap Vegetable Oils, but this the Proprietors warrant to be what its name really imports, and may at once be known by its fragrance and appearance. It far surpasses all others for softening the skin, and making it beautifully white, however injured or discoloured by neglect, change of climate, or any other cause. Also, CAMPHOR SOAP, possessing all the cooling and good qualities of Camphor. NAPLES COMPOUND TABLETS, composed of the finest Naples and best English Soap, is confidently re- commended as the best Shaving Soap hitherto known. OLD BROWN WINDSOR SOAR—This article is in great demand, and is much improved; it is now more ex- pensively perfumed, and the ingredients selected regard- less of expense ; it is a great beautifier and softener of the skin, and is particularly recommended to the nursery. or where a mild Soap is required, being emollient, as a sim- ple compound of Almonds. Prepared and Sold by J: and E. Amin:sow, Perfumers, removed from 44, Gerrard Street, to 24, Old Bond Street ; and, by their appoint- ment, by most Perfumers.
Caution.—The Genuine has a small Address Stamp, printed in colours, similar to a Patent Medicine Stamp.
THE objects the undersigned have in view in forming this Establishment are, to afford to persons desirous to proceed to the British Colonies, facili- ties for carrying thew purpose into execution; and to cots. tract with Landowners, l'atish Officers, and others, for the Emigration of their Unemployed Labourers. To effect these objects, the Um lersigned have (mental a Correspond- ence with Residents in India, New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land, Swan River, South Africa, and the BritiSh North American Colonies, by means of which they will be enabled to communicate accurate and recent informa- tion relative to those dependencies, as well as to procure for persons emigrating through their medium such advice and dasistance on arriving at their destination as may tend to save much loss of time and capital. Plans of the Cabins of Ships sailing from the port of London may be seen at the Office of Undersigned. where also any other information calculated to he useful to passengers proceeding to India, or the other parts of the world above mentioned, may be obtained.
General Colonial Agency Office, 140, Leadenhall Street.
THE DEY OF ALGIERS. The Dey of Algiers, as the court story goes, Has now taken to wear English-made boots and shoos, Being struck with the lustre of Warren's deep Jet, Or bright glossy Blacking, unrivalled as yet. "For, Allah be praised! t cried his Highness; "I see They reflect the bright eyes in my Harem, to me t )fore brilliant than glass !" So he wicite'with his hand An order to WARREN, at 30, the §trand. , This Easy-shining and Brilliant Blacking, Prepared-by ROBERT WARREN, 30, Strand, Londan;;and Sold in every Town in the Kingdom.. Liquid. in Bottles., and Paste /Hacking, in Pots, at 64. 13d. and 184. each, ilOYAL EAIPORIUM, CITY OF LONDON, opposite the MANSIONIRICSE. The Proprietors of this Magnifieent Establishment (with its extensive and splenth.l Show RoontS of Millinery, Dres,es, Opera Cloaks, &e., and its unique Gallery. of ltritisl iand Indian Cabinets and China) have the honour of announcing to t heir numerous Patrons, and the Public generally, that they have just cong?leted their purantses tor the present :mil ensuing mouth, in the various Mum, faetures of Silks, Linens, Cottons, Whiffler's; S:c., Coln- prising every article that is useful, novel; and elegant ; and at sueli ASTONISHING LOW PRICE, as cannot fail to prove their Establishment not only the DEPOT OF FA- SHION, but strictly that of ECONOMY. The following is a
List of the Prices of a few of them— s. d. Handsome New Pattern ell-wide Printed Muslins.
only 51d. and 0 7*• Superior and Elegant ditto
0 11*
The most fashionable Chints Muslins, and the richest printed ChintsPalmyrenes and hlilancse Gauzes, at very reduced Prices. Alma, variety of Royal Figured Silks. from ls. 5d. . 3 The rieliest Midmost splendid Freneh and Engli. • brocaded ditto from 2s. 6d. to 3 6 Gros tle Naples (for Evening Cloaks), at 13kd. and 1 3 Best double Spitaltields ditto, with Shaded and va- rious other Fancy Silks, cheap in proportion. Elegant French Scarfs, 3 yards long. worth 12s. 6d. 2s. 100. and 3 3 China Crape Handkerchiefs, at only 1 9 Splendid Crape Shawls and Scarfs, of every kind, equally moderate. A most extensive and beautiful Assortment of large and exquisitely-soft Thibet and Imitation from 7.s.6d. to 21 0
French, Shawls Good Black and WhiteSatins, from 128. to 2 0 China Ribbons, in various colours, the piece of 36
0 44 The richest richest fashionable Gauze Ribbons, at 48. anti 0 5 The broadest and very elegant ditto, at and 0 7* Excellent and fashionable Ducape Bonnet Rib- bons from 40. to 1 0 Rich Valenciennes Edgings, as low as 0
French Blond Lace, of the newest patterns, from, •
per yard 0 2k Lace Veils, in great variety, very cheap. Ladies' Fancy Kid Gloves, at per doz. 3 11 From 200 to 300 doz. ditto, most beautifully-ft so,- from ..7s. 6d. to 11 .9 • Cotton Hose " *from (Per dozen) 3 9 .Black, White, and Fancy Coloured Silk ditto, as low as, per pair . 1 .6 French Cambric Handkerchiefs, from.... per sioz. 8 0 Excellent Fancy white Window Muslius, yard and • Prints, ihst colours at 2d. 3d. 48. and 0 t half wide, the piece of 12 yards, only 2 Handsome New Patterns ditto, on fine Cambric cloths, at only 6d. and 0 Fast iccoesInured Printed Furnitures, at the saute Prices. Dimities, Flannels, Marseilles Quilts, Counter- . panes, and Blankets, of every quality, most rea- sonalAe. -
A large lot of beautiful Hambro', Scotch, and Irish . Table Linen, surprisingly cheap. The Breakfast size commencing at
6d. to 11 02 Wide Mock Russia Sheeting, from Excellent Irish ditto, from Is. to I 9 The 10-411s and 12.4ths wide Russia Sheetings, of every quality; on the same low terms. • Russia Toweling 0 34
Linen Dusters, each 0 1+
Strong Check ditto 0 2 Irish -Linens, with Sysatch and Forei,gn Hollands, a real bargain; and some very durable from 108
to ' 12
The best Eau de Cologne, only per case. 6 6 Family Mourning in every variety, good, and very cheap. N.B. In the Show Rooms the display of Millinery, Dresses; Pelisses', Opera Cloaks, So. is. by far the:most elegnntin th,e-Metropolis, and the prices are exceedingly moderate. *** Country and Foreign Orders (wholesale and retail, if containing remittances) executed with 'fidelity by Messrs. II. and T. PAUL, Linen Drapers,. Silk Mercers, and Haberdashers, to her Most Excellent Majesty QUEEN ADELAIDE, and Proprietors of the CITY OF LONDON ROYAL EMPORIUM, Nos. 9 and 10,
opposite the Mansionhouse, Poultry.