The Captain of the Spanish ship Iberia was committed, on
Tuesday, by the Thames Police Magistintes, under the Marquis of Linisdowne's Act, for striking one Parker, the master of a sloop lying alongside of the Iberia, with an axe. The ground of the quarrel was the refusal of Parker to take in a "fender," which was injuring the painting of the Spanish vessel's side. The Spaniard attempted to cut away the fender; and on Parker's interfering-, he made a chop at him, and severely cut
his head. *
A finegentleman, named Gooding, has lately been amusing himself' at the expense of the people of Fulham', where, under the sound- ing title Of Baron Annandale, he had engaged a splendid house, and, among other appendages of rank, no fewer than eleven servants of various deseriptiOns. On Tuesday, a person named Bayes made a long complaint at Union Hall, on the subject of the sufferings of these domestics.; who having been deprived of the light of their master's countenance, by that embarrassing process to counterfeit lords called an arrest, are now left in a condition not much more enviable than Nebuehadnezzar's,—having nothing, Mr. Baycs said, but the produce of the garden to live upon. The magistrate could grant them no relief; so the eleven domestics of Lord Annandale continue to subsist on cabbage and hope.
An extensive illicit distillery was lately discovered by Mr. Golding Bird, the General Examining Surveyor of Excise of the department in Broad Street ; which proves the systematic manner in which the reve- nue is defrauded, and, it may be added, the fair trader and the public. From certain information, Mr. Bird went to large premises in Mark Lane, and there discovered, at the top of the house, in spacious garrets, two copper stills of a very superior construction, and capable of working nearly 100 ea-aliens. The whole apparatus was made in the most expensive and ingenious manner; and, upon Mr. Bird continuing his search, be found that pipes for conveying away the manufactured liquors extended from the distillery to the bottom of the house, and from thence tinder ground, to the cellars of adjoining premises. An immense quantity of wash and spirits, and a number of tubs, barrels, and bottles, were also found, and the whole seized.
On Tuesday morning, a sailing-barge proceeding -up the river, the tide running up strong at the time, struck against one of the starlings of the old London Bridge with such force that the side was stove ins and the barge sunk instantly. There were three men on the deck, who saved themselves by jumping on the ruins of the old bridge. On Tuesday afternoon, between three and four o'clock, the chambers of Mr. Baron BoHand, in Sergeants' Inn, were broken into and robbed during the absence of his Lordship's clerk. The thieves took away about Mt in cash, leaving every thing else untouched. On Saturday, an unfortunate woman named Eve, wife to the ser- vant of Mr. Western of Bond Street, was burnt to death, in conse- quence of her clothes catching fire, in an attempt to extinguish the flames of some composition for cleaning harness, which her husband was prepaiing. On Thursday, the Hudson left the Loudon Dock for New York, with 170 passengers on board, principally mechanics.