On the 11th inst., at St. Martin's-itt.the• Fields. the Rev. THOMAS PHILLIPPS, Vicar of Dew sal, Hereford, to PENELOPE, fifth daughter of John Biddulph, of Ledbary, in the same county. Esq. On the 18th of April, at Trinidad, in the Catholic Cathedral, by the Right Rev. the Bishop of Olympus, and in the Protestant Church by the Rev. George Cumming, E nw A R D 3 ACKSON. Esq.., and Acting Attorney.General of the Island of Trinidad, to MARIA ALEXAN DRINA, eldestde tighter of Andre Illasini, Esq., of the same colony.
At Castteltellingham, CHARLES. son of 0. Thornhill, Esq., ALP., of' Diddington, Hunts, to MARGARET, fIRIII/hICI Of Joinni WOOISOy, Esq., M ilesdowu. Louth.
On the 27th ult., at Moray Place, WILLIsm EMPSON, Esq., of Lincoln's Inn, to CHAntorre WILKES, daughter of the Hun. F. Jeffrey, one of the Senators of the College of Justice in Scotland.
On the 11th inst.. at St. James's GUSTAVUS FAUCHE, of Paris, to HENRIETTA ELIZA, SCCOINI daughter of Captain John Paterson, of Cadogau Place.
On the 5th inst.. at Whithurn, Captain It. E. FULLERTON. of the 30th Regiment, to ELIZA Itusso.r., youngest daughter of Russell Bowliiy, Esq., of Cleadun Meadows, Durham.
On the 10th inst., the Duke of LEE Ds, in his 88th year.
On the 7111 inst., at Dover, the Lady SARAH, Wife of the Hon. Charles B. C. Wan- deslartle. and sister to the late Earl of Carrick.
Ott the 10th inst., at Graisley House, near Wolverhampton, Joszeil Pemtserr, Esq., in his 72t1 year.
On the I Ith itust., 1.zorot.n Ilr.totv 'MICHELE, in his 3fith year. On the 12th hist., at his house in the New Road, in Isis tilst year, Liettt:Col. GEORGE CONSTABLE, IIIAD Of the Bengal Army.
On the Out, of May, at Sierra Leone, belonging to her Majesty's ship Scout. HENRY, son of J. Alanstield, Esq , of Grosvenor Street.
Ott the Ilth inst., at his seat, Brockhain Lodge, Dorking, Surry, CHARLES no:ous , Esti ,the celebrated lyric bard, in his 93t1 year.
On the 3,1 inst., in the Champs Elysee, Paris, the Lady of the Hon. ST. JOHN BUT- LER, of a son and heir. On the 5th inst., the Hon. MIS. CHARLES MAGMA, of a son.
On the 5th inst at Long Newton, the Lady of the Rev. T. II ART Drag, of a son. On the 12th inst., in Eaton Place, the Wife of J. W. CHILDERS, EN., M.P., of a daughter.
At Gormanston Castle, on the 7th inst • the Lady of the Hon. EDWARD PRESTON, of a (laughter.
On the 6th inst • at the Vicarage, Edlesborough, Bucks, the Lady of the Rev. W. B. WROTH, Of a daughter.