Clut Countrp.
A party of Brighton Radicals, friends of Mr. George Faithful, gave that gentleman a public dinner on Monday. There was nothing like regret manifested at the result of the last......
A report that Lord Douglas Hallyburton was about to retire from the representation of Forfarshire has been contradicted on authority. The Political Union of Dundee invited Mr.......
In The Central Criminal Court, On Wednesday, J. Rickey, A
private in the Twelfth Regiment of Lancers, was found guilty of the murder of his sergeant, Hamilton. The Jury recommended the prisoner to mercy,—it does not appear on what......
The Storm, Which Was Very Severe In The Metropolis And
neigh. bourhood, last week, was quite terrific in the North of England. At Manchester, Rochdale, Bolton, Preston, and several towns in Yorkshire, there was a tremendous fall of......
Several Provincial Journals, Received This Week As Well...
last, contain accounts of the debate on the New Zealand Bill. The sub ject excites a keen interest in many parts of the country ; and the means by which the measure was defeated......
Active preparations were made by the Orangemen of the North of Ireldnd fur a grand display urn the 12th instant. Mr. Alexander Galloway, of the Common Council, was, it seems,......
By the death of the Duke of Leeds, which took place on Tuesday morning, the appointments of a Lord. Lieutenant of 'North Yorkshire, a Knight of the Garter, a Ranger of Richmond......
In Consequence Chiefly, We Believe, Of The Drooping State Of
the' cotton market in Liverpool, the demand both for goods and yarns was on Tuesday dull, and prices were barely supported in this market. There was nut, however, any marked or......