The Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, have
announced that "no sum will be applied by them on account of the Sinking Fund, between the 6th of July and the 10th of October," for this excellent reason, that the expenditure for the year ending 5th Apia 1838, exceeded the income for the same period by the sum of 1,428,531/. 18s. 70. A notice from the Home Office, warning all persons going abroad of the necessity of obtaining passports, has been exhibited at the Man- slonbouse ; whereupon the Times very absurdly remarked that the in- tent of the notice was to procure a ready sale for Foreign•office pass- ports, which cost 2/. 7s., and the proceeds of which, it was insinuated, were pocketed by Lord Palmerston ; though almost everybody knows that sufficient passports may be had for nothing at the different foreign embassies, and that the Secretaries of State are paid solely by salaries, and not by fees or perquisites.
A post.chaise and four, containing Madame Grisi, a female friend, and Mr. Balfe, arrived at the Old Ship Hotel, Brighton, on Sunday last. A short time after the arrival of this party, an interview took place between them and M. de Melci, who had previously become an inmate of the York Hotel ; the result of which interview was, that all the parties to this conference returned immediately to London to- gether. It has been understood that M. de Melci had made arrange- ments for embarking for Dieppe by the next steamer, and that his ulti- mate destination was Russia.—Post.
The Lord Bishop of Rochester proceeds to Hanover, for the purpose of confirming his Royal Highness the Crown Prince.—Wor- cester Journal.