Scarcely bad the public been informed that the intention of issuing the remaining 2,000,0001. of the Turkish Six per Cent Loan had been abandoned, than it transpired that arrangements had been completed for another loan for that Government, —a Four per Cent Loan of 5,000,0001., to be raised in Lon- don. A convention signed by the Ministers of England, France, and Turkey, has been forwarded to Constantinople for exchange of ratifications. The money cannot be raised until this be complete, and an act of Parliament passed. This loan is to be under the joint guarantee of England and France for the whole amount, but the precise nature of the proposed arrangements has not been announced. It is said the loan is to be partly secured by the balance of 72,0001. of the Egyptian tribute, being the yearly amount after the application of 210,0001. for the interest and sink- mg-fund on the original Loan. The announcement of this financial operation, combined with the French Loan now pending, and rumours of probable ohanges in the Cabinet, hare checked an otherwise buoyant market but the public continue to buy upon every fall, assisted by the abundance of money, now rendered more plentiful through the payment of the Dividends this week. These investments, added to the scarcity of Stack upon tbeaettle- ntent•of the Account on Tuesday, caused an improvement of:1 ; which has wet been maintained. Consols have ranged from 9of to 914. Today there
.has been very little doing, and they leave off 91 >l for both Money and Ac- count, after being ,4 higher. Exchequer Bills have improved 2e. this week. The application to the Chancellor of the Exchequer to be allowed a dis- count of 2 per cent upon payment of instalments on the new Loan in ad- vance, has been met by directing attention to the net of Parliament which gives permission to pay in full, but without remuneration. A call of 15 per cent on the Loan will be due next Tuesday, when one half of the whole amount will have been paid.
The arrivals of gold and specie this week have been small—namely, 160,0001. from New York, and 23,0951. from Brazil; 59,558/. have been sent to Lisbon, Cadiz, &o., and 80601. to Brazil.
Foreign Securities have been firm, and Peruvian and Russian area better. Austrian and Buenos Ayres are 1 and Spanish Three per Cents 1 lower. The chief 'speculation has been in Turkish, which has been 3 per cent better, owing to the impression that the guarantee offered to the new Loan is evi- dence that the rights of the holders of the original loan would be fully pro- tected : the Stock was done yesterday as high as 851 ; today it is 85. At the Union Bank of London meeting, on Wednesday, a dividend was declared at the rate of 20 per cent per annum, clear of income-tax, and the report was adopted.
Railways have been steady, but in some lines an improvement has oc- curred, including Bristol and Exeter, which are 21., London and South- Western 11. 10a., Lancashire and Yorkshire 10s., and Great Western bs. higher. London and North-Western, and Midland, are 5s. lower. There is very little change in French Shama ; but they are better in Paris, owing to the improvement of traffic. The returns of last week show increased receipts of 38 per cent on the Lyons Railway, 23 per cent en the Mediterranean, 30 per cent on the Northern, and 13 per cent on the Strasburg.
The English Funds are flat this morning, and have fallen 1. Consols for Money and Account are 904 4. Exchequer Bills 24 7. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a large decrease-434,5091. In Foreign Stocks there is very little doing ; Turkish is steady at 841 5. Railways are a little lower—Eastern Countiee, 12; Midland, 71 ; North-Eastern—Berwiok, 731 ; South-Eastern, 60/ ; Waterford and Kilkenny, 31.
SATURDAY, ONE teciocric.
The English Funds have shown little alteration since the morning. Con- sols have touched 91, but leave off at 904 for Money and Account. Ex- chequer Bills 24 7. Exchequer Bonds 1858, 101. In Foreign Stocks, the only alteration is in Turkish, which has improved 1 per cent, closing at 851 M 6. It has been done for Money at 851 6, and for Account 85 6 61.
Railways are rather stronger—Caledonian, 621; Chester and Holyhead, 14; Eastern Counties, 11/ ; East Lancashire, 761 ; Great Western, 67 ; laws- shire and Yorkshire, 811; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 101 ; .London and North-Western, 100; Ditto 101. Shares, M. and .B. C., 54; Ditto E1 Oho, 11; London and South-Western, 84}; Midland, 711; Norfolk, 504 ; North British, 304; North-Eastern—Berwick, 74; North Staffordshire, 12,; South- Eastern, 601; Thames Haven Dock and Railway, 41 ; Preston and Wyre, 441 ; Wilts and Somerset, 941 ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 119; Lancashire and Yorkshire 6 per:, Cent Stock, 139 ; Norfolk Extension 1846, 106 ; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 91 ; Great Central of France, 14; Great Western of Canada, 211; Great Luxembourg Obligations, 31. Mines Per- tuna, 11 ; Lusitaman, 24. Banks—City, 34; London Chartered sank of Australia, 20; Cryatal Palace, 3.
3 per Cr nt Console
Ditto for Account 90 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents 81 4 62 4 3 per Cent Reduced 91 Ditto 4 per Cents 94,6 New 3 per Cents Long Annuities 9 e 4' Mexican 3 per Cents
Peruvian 44 per Cents
214 4 71 3 Bank Stock 2121 131 Ditto 3 per Cents '50.2 Exchequer Bills
Portuguese 4 per Cents 42 4 India Stock 231 3 Russian 5 per Cents ....... 99 101 Austrian 5 per Cents 82 4
Ditto 41 per Cents
88 90 Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 41 per Cents 100 2 93 5 Spanish 3 per Cents Ditto Deferred
la36 '
Chiliao 6 per Cents 102 4 Sardinian 5 per Cents 85 7 Danish 5 per Cents 102 4 Swedish 4 per Cents 87 90