14 JULY 1855, page 11

Alto It -tgbe Concert Season Seems To Have Come To

a close. Lest week there were, the -last concert of the New Philharmonic Society, 'Mrs. Anderson's annual concert, and the last of .Mr. Alfred Mellon's excellent series of......

Itt Intatno.

The performance of MT. Charles Dickens and a. select party of ama- teurs, at Campden House, Kensington, has given theatrical importance to a week that otherwise woulChave been......

Mr. W. Farren Will Formally Bid Adieu To The Public,

atthe Haymarket, on - Monday next ; when his farewell benefit will take place under the inage of the Queen.......

Crimean Views By Carlo Bossoll

-A collection of views from the Crimea, more varied and complete than any we had heretofore known, is now to be seen at Messrs. Day's litho- graphic establishment, in Gate......

The Burlesque Open Sesame Has Been Revived At The Adelphi,

with Mr. and Mrs. Keelayin their original characters.......

We Suppose Mademoiselle Rachel May Be - Soon Expected. She

hes commeneed a series of farewell performances in Paris ; where, however, her supremacy on the tragic throne is contested by Mademoiselle Ristori, the principal actress of the......

'clothe 26th June, At . Athavallle, The Lady Harriet...

i daughter, who died next day. On the 30th, at Rose Hill Hall, near Liverpool, the Lady of Dr. Sheridan Mus- pratt, F.R.S., of a daughter. On the 5th July, at Everingbam Park,......