News of the Week
NOTHING in this week's news is more encouraging or more important than the fact that the Bengal Legislative Council on Tuesday defeated the Swarajists and decided in favour of co-operation with the Simon Commission. The majority for co-operation was 22- 72 votes to 50. A Provincial Committee is to be appointed to work with the Commission. The Calcutta correspon- dent of the Morning Post, which is almost alone in indi- cating the significance of this event, says that-the Moham- rnedfm speakers, though they expressed their attaclunent to Home Rule for India, also expressed their weariness of the specious promises, and empty threats of the Swara- Pstg. The most remarkable speech was made by. the Labour member, Latafat- Hossein, in support of co- operation. He declared that the industrial workers of India (such as the scavengers and the railwaymen of Calcutta) were being misled by politicians who hid the truth that co-operation with the Commission was the only way of improving conditions. ,