14 JULY 1928, page 19

In The Cheerful And Fluent What Am I ? (scribner,

8s. 6d.) Mr. Spaulding, who is the Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University, runs through a great number of human problems and tries to find some reasonable solution for......

Some Books Of The Week

TEE late Professor Bury was justly famous for his work on the history of the later Roman Empire. Much interest therefore attaches to the volume of his Cambridge lectures on The......

There Are Still Probably A Number Of Intelligent People Who

ask of psycho-analysis": " What is it all about ? " Dr. Rudolf Urbantschitsch will tell them in sixty small pages (Psycho-analysis for All, C. W. Daniel, 2s. 6d.), which have......

Though Mr. Kimmins Reviews A Great Many Theories Of Laughter

in The Springs of Laughter (Methuen, 6s.) it is not really in explaining laughter that he is chiefly interested. He is more engaged in recording and classifying the jokes which......

Miss Henley Has Gone Thoroughly About Her Business In...

in Ireland (Cork University Press and Longmans, 6s.) ; we have all the necessary information in her pages as to the posts which Spenser held and the lands which he occupied : we......

The Rev. J. T. Evans, Who Has Described The Church

plate of six Welsh counties and of Gloucestershire, has now perffirmed this valuable service for Oxfordshire. The need for such systematic surveys of the Church's artistic......

Mr. Edward Michael Has Written The Reminiscences Of A...

career in Tramps of a Scamp (Werner Laurie, 21s.). He has been, it seems, a sailor, politician, thea- trical entrepreneur, and a journalist, besides engaging in other minor......

A Battalion Is A Living Thing, And As Such It

is entitled, equally with any other individual, to have its history written: Lt.-Col. Haldane's History of the Fourth Battalion of the Seaforth Highlanders (Witherby,......

The Competition

Tim Editor offers a .prize of five guineas for the best inscription for a bust of either Miss Earhart, Signor Mussolini, Mr. Coolidge, Mr. G. Bernard Shaw, Mr. H. G. Wells, or......
