14 JULY 1928, Page 12


[SCULPTURE BY MR. ARTHUR JOSEPH POLLEN.] AN exhibition of sculpture by Mr. Arthur Pollen has just been held at No. 26a Bryanston Square. Miss Jean Faber, a head in bronze, is the best of these portraits. As a work of art, the well-modelled hair and the face with closed eyes are most pleasant to look at. F. A. Fairlie and Miss Mary Vivian Smith, both heads in bronze, are powerful and full of character, the former, where the face is supported by hands; gains by the novel pose. His Kneeling Torso is in better pro- portion than his Figure, but it is only fair to state that The Figure is unfinished. Both are done in Bath stone. The dainty modelling of A Head of a Girl is increased by being worked in alabaster. There are three Dianos, of which The Study for a Bronze is the best. The poise is good and there is movement, while in the other two the lower half of the figure is too elongated. Study for a Garden Figure, a kneeling female figure supporting a bowl, should please most people. We hope Mr. Pollen's next exhibition will be a rather more public affair, and of longer duration. Work of the quality just shown deserves a wider public and more time to view it. G. G.