14 JULY 1928, Page 15

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, I read with

interest the article on Cancer in your issue of July 7th, and I take exception to two points therein because they are not true. The first is that the primary mortality rate for the extensive operation for cancer of the womb is given as 33; per cent., or 1 in 3. The true figures should read 10 per cent.-12 per cent. My own primary mortality is 14 per cent. The second point refers to rivalry between radium and the knife. There is no such rivalry. The best results are obtained when both these agencies are employed. Every serious worker recognizes the value of criticism, but no cause is helped by a departure from the truth.—I am, Sir, &c., 117a Harley Street, W. 1. F.R.C.S.,