Turkey and the Peace Front In an impressive speech in
the Kamutay last Saturday the Turkish Foreign Minister explained the reasons why Turkey has abandoned her policy of neutrality and joined the peace front with Great Britain and France. What had finally determined her to take this step was the invasion of Albania, occurring as it did at a time when nations were arming and creating an atmosphere of violence. Her policy is peace, and she has joined the Powers which stand for peace. In making this claim Turkey is justified by the history of recent years. She has made friends with her once bitter enemy Greece, and has organised a Balkan Entente between herself, Greece, Rumania and Jugo- slavia. If Bulgaria is not included that is no fault of Turkey's. Her mediatory influence has played no small part in turning the Balkan countries, once the centre of Europe's disturbances, into a relatively tranquil region where there is no visible danger of war among themselves. She has helped to make these countries realise their common interests, so that they are deeply suspicious of great Powers who resort to the time-hououred methods of exploiting their differences. Even Bulgaria, which has real and unsatisfied grievances, is not altogether impressed by Germany's offer of help.