Mr. Chamberlain's Worst Enemies Will Not Readily Believe...
exclusion of Mr. Churchill from the cabinet is based on personal motives. Yet if a public motive is to be sought, it must inevitably be found in the fact that Mr. Churchill's......
* * * * A Friend Who Had Been Listening
to the proceedings of the ' Thetis ' tribunal has told me of a curious dream that came to him. He dreamed he was on board a submarine when an inrush of water occurred. The......
" Preserve Them," Admonishes The Chairman Of The Veteran Car
Club in that body's Gazette. "Dictators may come and Dictators may—and incidentally will—go! but no power on earth can manufacture any more cars prior to December, 1904. All of......
The Hat Fetish Is Very Curious And Interesting. St. Paul's
directions about the meaning of hats in church are explicit if inexplicable. It is well established that a practising Jew must wear his hat when taking an oath, which is......
If At The Moment Of The ' Thetis ' Catastrophe
the Admiralty acted somewhat niggardly towards the Press, the London evening papers are taking a terrible revenge upon the tribunal of inquiry. Posters have been displayed,......
A Spectator's Notebook Sir Arnold Wilson, After Spending...
in Danzig, has arrived at " a basis of a settlement " of the European problem. His solution, strange to say, is identical with The Times's solution of the Czecho-Slovakian......
A Pioneer
T HE death of Havelock Ellis this week emphasises once again that a prophet may get little honour in his own country ; and any tributes that are paid to him now are a poor......