R.A.F. Flights over France Four squadrons of R.A.F. heavy bombers
and eight of medium bombers carried out long-distance flights from England to France last Tuesday, the former making journeys to the neighbourhood of Bordeaux and back, in all a flight of about 1,200 miles without landing. The distance covered by the medium bombers was about 800 miles. The exercises were performed in good time and according to schedule, and the aeroplanes returned with plenty of fuel in their tanks. If it is asked, as Germans are asking querulously, why make such spectacular flights across a foreign country?—the answer is obvious: our own country is not big enough for journeys of this range, and also it is necessary to give our pilots experience in finding their way in unfamiliar country. The practice demonstrates the ability of our heavy bombers to fly non- stop there and back to almost any part of Germany, and as far as Russia or Rumania if they can refuel at Russian or Rumanian aerodromes. The speed which they showed is the greatest importance, for upon this depends their chances of avoiding effective interception.