[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR] Sta,—Sir Ralph Wedgwood's article in your last issue calla attention to the difficult position of the householder with an income over £250. I submit that he underestimates the diffi- culty, which in fact in many cases amounts to an impossibility.
May I quote my own case?
r. As a middle-class householder earning more than Ls a week (I earn £6) I am not entitled to be issued with a free Anderson shelter.
2. I am not allowed to buy one because all those available are required for the free issue.
3. I may not construct a shelter in my own garden with my own materials because of council restrictions regarding the building of outhouses, &c.
4. I may not strengthen my own basement because my lease contains the usual provision against structural alterations.
An enormous class of town-dwellers would appear to be affected by these restrictions, and I have urged upon the Air Raid Defence League that they should press for some revision of existing regulations so that all those who wish for protec- tion, and are willing to pay for it, should be permitted to act
before it is too late.—Yours faithfully, RUPERT LEE. 7 St. Quentin Avenue, W. ro.