14 JULY 1939, Page 38


Mr. A. H. Dence, the chairman of Hovis, had no difficulty in showing the shareholders at last week's meeting that the

company has faced a sharply falling wheat-market with credit. During the past year Manitoba No. I showed a fall of 3os. per quarter and other grades of wheat a fall of 15s. per quarter. Notwithstanding this fall in prices, Hovis showed a profit increase of approximately £14,000.

What was clearly troubling Mr. Dence was the Govern- ment's wheat storage plans. He put forward a strong argu- ment for storing the security stock in the form of flour instead of wheat and for distributing it in small quantities throughout the country. In that way all millers, large and small, would participate, and the distribution of the stock in the event of emergency could be carried out with an economy of transport. Mr. Dence showed, however, that he was clear that in the event of such an emergency the milling industry would at once come under Government control. * * * *