[A prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked "Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes containing solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]
ACROSS 3. No, I pinch us for this (to). 9. Fish here before 5o (7).
to. Welsh place aux dames, so
to speak (to).
is. A chancy affair, and most of it is grave (7).
12. Where, eventually, seven- league boots are made? (3 words) (to).
13. Town where there is a period of dearth (7).
14. The undisciplined side of Suez (4).
16, 19. The Swiss town lost Trafalgar when transposed (to).
21. This arrangement makes a nose long (4).
25. The Book of Safety? (7).
26. His red soap produces emotional compositions (to).
28. This cricketer very properly made a stir (7).
29. Alfred's war memorial at 13 (2 words) (to).
3o. The puzzle's full of them (7).
31. A giant's trousers, of course, would have to be thus pro- found (to).
DOWN 1. Nor up in fuel (7).
2. Not much use to those who can't stand washing (7) 3. Buttons with heart trouble, but he gets the loot (7).
4. The organist said he was weary and this one day (3 words) (9).
5. Study and depart (5).
6. It goes off with a bang as they say (7).
7. Ague below the troubled Nile (2 words) (8).
8. The batsman may have made it without making a score (8).
15. How many points to the South-East in America? (9).
17. Draw Evoe out of this (8).
18. It's just one of those irri- tating trifles ! (8).
20. Feasts of a flower in ease (7).
22. Cat confused before the finish (7).
23. Not necessarily honest, but at least they can't be squared (7).
24. " The -, casting with un- purchased hand
The vote that shakes the turrets of the land " (7)
27. (rev.) Noisily permitted?