13 JULY 1944, Page 12


THE GERMAN PEOPLE SIR,—In your issue of July 7th Miss Rathbone reverts to the old device that those who know and tell the inside story of Germany are "a gift for Goebbels.' That phrase was first spread in this country by Herr Fraenkel ; it was "made in Germany." I have endured this parrotry for years. In appeasement days the Germans successfully put it about that I was "an obstacle to good relations with Germany." Miss 'Rathbone plods along the old line ; but the real gifts to Hunnery have been its dupes.

She murmurs the familiar German excuses for the absence of any effective underground movement in Germany, despite the examples of the occupied countries. Thus Herr Hagen (alias Frank) asserts that the German revolt will be compressed into the last moment. (Of course —when the Germans are quite sure that they are beaten.) Herr Eichler's version is that we must not appeal to the German workers to revolt now, since such appeals discourage the German opposition! (There has cer- tainly been no response to many years of appeal.) Herr Stampfer has a double line. (a) The German underground members don't want to be accused of stabbing the fighting nation in the back; (2) they were sure from the beginning that the Allies would win without them. There are only a few samples of the old, old game. What are we to think of people who resort to these transparent shifts to veil the truth that the German nation has twice followed the way of the aggressor to the end?—Yours Denham Place, Denham, Bucks.