Country Life
PnorEsrs against the slaughtering of animals which catch foot and mouth disease are again being heard in the land ; and they have, of course, some justification. The disease is......
The Cuckoo's Notes
So large a number of musicians have written to me on the subject of the cuckoo's note that I must make one more comment on this popular theme. There is a general consensus of......
In My Garden Among The Rarer Vegetables I Fancy That
purslane is beginning to rise in favour. To my palate it is very pleasant either as a cooked vegetable or in salad. Among herbs I would give a high place to hyssop, which— to......
Golf And Groundlings I Had A Very Courteous Opponent Last
week at the game of golf. He sliced, as the very elect may do, a long drive into the rough and after a long search found the ball lying snug in a lark's nest. The law of the......
River Pollution
SIR,—The causes as stated by Mr. Hobday of the Lea Conservancy Board are correct and of long standing. They were brought frequently before the notice of the Board some twenty......
The Normandie's Berth
Sta,—Mr. Edward Shoosmith's faith in the omniscience of the U.S. Army Chief Engineer in Europe is so touching that I am ready to lay the misconception in his quotation at the......
"a Fishermen's Dialect"
SIR,—Mr. Harcourt-Smith writes in his review of Mr. Hertz's book, " Nationality in History and Politics," that the Irish Government fetched "a professor all the way from Norway......
India's Real Problem
Ste,—Having in his first letter described as " misleading" Professor Hill's reference to a continuing increase in India's population Mr. Sen now ascribes to Dr. K. C. K. E. Raja......
The Unrest In Religion
SIR,—I have no wish to underestimate the value of the work of the Com- mission on Doctrine or to disparage the Commission's "authority," when authority means, as cmctoritas......
Sensible Money
SIR,—Dr. Scopes' suggestion of "Sensible Money," while superficially attractive, and doubtless designed to attract support both from English conservatism and English talent for......
A Wagtail Inroad An Oddity Of Bird Movement—if The Wagtails
will forgive the phrase—has astonished observers on the river Lea. Just below an old, old mill is 3 bubbling reach where I have seen kingfishers, dabchicks, mallard, moor- hen......