The Cuckoo's Notes
So large a number of musicians have written to me on the subject of the cuckoo's note that I must make one more comment on this popular theme. There is a general consensus of opinion that individual cuckoos vary and some do not get the interval or the single note quite true; but that most sing true intervals, among which the major third prevails ; and that no other bird in the long list sings notes that can be expressed on the piano. A characteristic letter comes from the musical organiser of one of our best bird counties who sends me the following note on the cuckoo's music. "I don't think there is any doubt at all that the cuckoo can sing true intervals. I have myself heard a major third, minor third, perfect fifth, perfect fourth and major second.... So far as I can judge, the intervals do not depend on the date or the locality, but on the individual bird's whim." He adds: "The cuckoo's notes are almost the only ones that can be written down in musical flotation" and "few musicians seem to be ornithologists." Is that last charge true? My own view is that nearly all the more famous orni- thologists are persons of great acuity of vision and long-sighted. That gift is the chief source of their inspiration.