Tile 'Book Famine
It would be difficult to over-estimate the importance and urgen of the situation in the book-publishing trade dealt with in a repo issued by the Publishers' Association. Mr. Harold Nicolson another page deals with some of the wider aspects of the probl raised by the restricted allowance of paper for books, and especiall with the position of some of the smaller publishers. The repo points out that existing stocks of books are being rapidly deplete that even the present output cannot be maintained if there are an further withdrawals of labour, but that with a larger quota of pape more copies of books could be run off without any increase in th labour of composition. There never has been a time when the was so eager a demand abroad for books* about Britain or by English authors, and in liberated Europe it will be found th there is a famine of books just as there is a famine of food, and it i imperative that that shortage should be to some extent diminished by this country, and that the whole task should not be left to th United States. If the coming demand is to be met the papa quota for books should be substantially raised-now, and the allocatiot of paper increased progressimely when workers begin to return 1, industry.