How many people, like myself, noticed that a small map
in The Times of July 4th marked a new stage on the road to victory? For months past I have watched this map, which has recorded from day to day the progress on the Eastern Front. From Stalingrad and the Caucasus, and from the region of Moscow, the boundaries of the map have moved slowly westwards: an advance across mile upon mile of steppe and cornland and forest. On July 4th, for the first time, the western section of the map included Konigsberg and th gulf of Danzig. The map of the Mediterranean area and the greate map of the Pacific show this same tidal reflux ; there will come time also when the eastern limits of the "invasion maps" of Franc will move towards the Rhine. If a film were made of these ma converging upon the nerve-centres of our enemies, the result wou be a visible demonstration of our achievement since 1942, and, as work of art, the film would have something of the scale of th immense continental perspectives of The Dynasts.