Dr. Renner, the Austrian Chancellor, has protested vehemently against the
terms offered to the remnant of Austria. He objects in particular to the recognition of the old Kingdom of Bohemia as a whole, since many Germans live among the Czechs. Dr. Renner, of course, knows perfectly well that if every scattered German village were detached from the Czech State the orderly administration of Bohemia would be impossible. The German settlers in Bohemia must reconcile themselves to their lot ; they have nothing to fear, as the Czechs are a most orderly and tolerant people. Dr. Renner also declares that German Austria, with two million people in Vienna and four millions in the Alpine lands to the south, will not be able to live now that she is deprived of the Czech industries and the Imperial railways. The Austrians should have thought of these things before they made war on their harmleas Serbian neighbours. They will doubtless find it painful to readjust their economic system after living so long on tribute from subject peoples. But the Peace terms cannot bo changed.