News Of The Week.
ITIHE Allies in Paris have reconsidered the Peace terms in the light of the German reply. It is said that they have modified the Treaty in several places. They will either fix......
The Allies, It Is Understood, Will Soon Formulate Their...
in regard to • Turkey. All are agreed, except perhaps some Turks, that the Ottoman Empire must be Split up. The Main question on which there is a difference of opinion is that......
We Shall Not Discuss The Fate Of Constantinople Just Now.
But we object most strongly to this kind of Mohammedan propaganda. It has always been a principle of British rule to respect Islam. We remember to have been told by a traveller......
Dr. Renner, The Austrian Chancellor, Has Protested...
terms offered to the remnant of Austria. He objects in particular to the recognition of the old Kingdom of Bohemia as a whole, since many Germans live among the Czechs. Dr.......
The American Senate Has Taken Umbrage At The Refusal Of
the Allies to publish the Peace terms in full, although they have been published in Germany and circulated for and wide. On Saturday last it resolved that the Government should......
The Senate On Saturday Last Adopted, By Sixty Votes To
one, a resolution asking the American Peace Commission to secure a hearing for the Sinn Feiners before the Peace Conference, and expressing its " aympathy with the aspirations......
The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any Articles...
submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent Ad will do his best to return contributions in wee of rejection.......