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Sr.2.—The Memorial Appeal, Inaugurated in 1916 for the endow. ment of the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital in honour of the founder, needs only a little over Atom to complete the £50,000 hoped for. Up to date donations and promises have been received amounting to £43,506. This splendid response to the appeal has been made by women and girls throughout the country, who In various groups representing various schools and professions have been combined to name beds (.21,000 per bed) in the hospital. The Appeal Committee is very anxious to close the fund this autumn, and donations and promises towards the £6,000 still to be raised will be gratefully received and acknowledged by me if sent to the Hospital, Euston Road.
[We are sure that the One response which Lady Hall records to the fund she started will not be checked till the full amount Is collected. Women and girls may be proud of what they have done already, but they will be prouder still when their scheme is accomplished.—ED. Spectator.]