The Allies last week offered to recognize Admiral Koltehak's Government
in Russia on certain conditions. He was staked to promise that, on reaching Moscow, he would summon either a new "Constituent Assembly elected by a free, secret, and democratic franchise," or the Constituent Assembly of 1917, which the Bolsheviks swept out of existence because the elections had gone against them. He was asked also to agree that the old system should not be motored, and that the civil and religious liberty of all Russians should be secured. Further, the Allies desired 'him to recognize the independence of Finland and Poland and the Rumanian claim to part of Bessarabia, and to arrange through the League of Nations a settlement with the small border States, which should meanwhile be regarded as autonomous. Russia, when reconstituted on a democratic basis, should join the League of Nations, and should pay her debts. The terms of Admiral Koltehak's reply have not yet been published officially, but there can be little doubt of his readiness to accept the Allies' conditions.