When Germany was committing the worst of her atrocities the
Pope uttered no warniag, no reprobation, no protest that was plain to the world as such. Faithful adherents of the Pope continually produce words which they say bear the signifi. canoe of a warning or are to be read as a protest. But the suffi- cient condemnation of the Pope's conduct as regards Germany Is that the ordinary man—who is not at all a bigot—was left In doubt as to whether the Pope was ever troubled for a moment with scruples about the doings of Germany and Austria. No word of scathing condemnation charged with all the authority of the spiritual father of the Roman Church over emerged from the Vatican. On the other hand, most people have only too unhappy memories of the failure of the Pope to support by any strong or really practical MAUD the miserable persecuted prelates and priests of martyred Belgium.