The first detailed account of the great cavalry march by
which General Allenby destroyed the Turkish armies in Palestine last September will be found in the Journal of the Royal United Service Institution for May (6s). It deals especially with the 13th Indian Cavalry Brigade—the 9th Hodson's Horse, the 18th Lancers, and the Gloucestershire Yeomanry—forming part of the 5th Division. The cavalry left Sarona, near Jaffa, early on September 19th. Twenty-four hours later they surprised and captured Nazareth. They entered Damascus on October 1st. The 5th Division alone pushed on to Aleppo, which it readied on October 27th. It had a sharp skirmish with the enemy rear- guard just before the Armistice was declared. At that moment the cavalry were two hundred and forty miles from their nearest supports, and their supplies came by one bad road which the rains would render impassable. No infantry reached Aleppo till January. The particulars of this astonishing and decisive ride are of great interest.