The Land Question Solved By Harry A. Day. (Methuen. 2s.
(ld. net)—Mr. Day writes with an earnestness and an enthu- siasm which force him into constant italics, but his suggested solution, thol-gh interesting, has nothing very new in it. His proposal is for the creation of innumerable small-holdings or farms, the land to be bought from the large landowners by "amicable negotiation" where possible ; by "enforcement" where necessary. Mr. Day is not in favour of land nationaliza- tion, but he advocates a considerable amount of State aid, particularly in the way of capital or implements and stock— aid to be given "in a sensible fashion with no fads and fancy ideals attached ! " He suggests co-operation among farmers and a scheme of State-controlled markets. The book also contains chapters on "Unfit and Fit Men for the Land," and on rural housing and the amenities of village life.