It would be difficult to find an example of more
confused thinking. Of course the blunders of a Government can be properly corrected only by Constitutional means. That is to say, if a Government exceeds the mandate of the people, it is the duty of the people through their elected representatives to call the Government to order, and if necessary to depose it Everybody knows that Members of Parliament can be made perfectly amenable to the wishes of their constituents. Every- body also knows that any Government can be made perfectly amenable to votes in the House of Commons which represent the wishes of the electors. There is no other way. What Mr. Hartshorn demands, with a maze of words which we should think can deceive nobody but himself, is that when a GovernMent does, or Is alleged to be doing, something that a certain number of people do not like, it is right for a group of people—the "Triple Alliance," for example—to hold up the whole life of the country till the views of that group have been accepted.