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A Court of Aldermen was held on Monday, at which general busi- ness was transacted, but the members were particularly engaged in an investigation into the conduct of Mr. Brown, the principal City Mar- shal, on an occasion which has for some time caused a great stir in the City. It will be recollected that some months ago the shop of Mr. Williamson, the watchmaker, at the corner of the Royal Exchange, was entered by thieves, who contrived to break in at a staircase leading up to an office in the building, and took away a great number of chrono- meters and watches, a quantity of plate, and two ten-pound notes. Mr. Williamson negotiated for the restoration of his property, and succeeded an getting back the greater part of it. He, however, thought it neces- sary, in consequence of what he considered to be a violation of faith upon the part of those who were employed by him, to represent all the circumstances to the Alderman of the Ward ( Pirie); he submitted the case to the Police Committee at Guildhall ; and by them it was eventually referred to the Court of Aldermen. Mr. Williamson ob• tamed the restitution of a portion of his property on the payment of 600/. for the stolen goods. The charge against the Marshal is, that he nego- tiated for the restoration of the property, although it is alleged that he failed in the attempt, and Mr. Williamson resorted to and succeeded in another quarter. Mr. Brown's defence is, that he neither directly nor indirectly interfered in any way to procure or assist to procure the resto- ration of the stolen property, nor was he aware that it was restored until he was informed of the fact bye third party. The Court deliberated for a short time, and came to the determination to recommend to the Court of Common Council, who appointed the Marshal, to dismiss him.
On Thursday, the conduct of Brown was discussed in the Common Council ; and it was agreed to r,afer the 'evidence to the Committee of general purposes.
The dignified clergy in the see of Canterbury met in convoeation, on Wednesday, in the Chapter-house of Westminster Abbey. Prayers were read by the Reverend Mr. Rose. The Convocation then pro- ceeded to consider of their address. A meeting was held at the Albion Tavern, Aldersgate Street, on Friday week, with a view to the institution of a society in support of the Church of England according to the principles established at the Reformation, "yet conscious that a moderate but efficient reformation of its internal government and discipline was necessary, in order to effect a more full and perfect administration of that excellent establish- ment."
The Directors of the East India Company gave Lord Heytesbury, the Governor-General, and Sir Henry Fane, the'Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces in India, a splendid dinner, on Saturday last. The Duke of Wellington, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Chandos, Lord Hill, Mr. Goulburn, and other distinguished persons, were present ; several of whom delivered complimentary speeches not worth quoting. About forty inhabitants of Westminster met at the British Coffee- house, on Wednesday, to consider the best means of procuring the repeal of the IVindow-tax. Colonel Evans, Sir S. Whalley, and Itir. Bish, were present. Colonel Evans promised to support the repeal of she Window-tax ; and then went on to say, in reference to the proposition to stop the Supplies--
If this measure were carried, it would create the greatest alarm in the City ; a step would be put to trade, and many deserving persons thrown into the utmost distress. He saw no necessity fur so serious a remedy being resorted to. If there were no other means of effecting, the dissolution of the present Govern- ment, he might recommend its adoption, but there were many questions in which lie thought a majority could again be enforced against Ministers. Amongst others, the high salaries of public officers, the Civil List, the reduction of the Army, which he was of opinion could and ought to be reduced front 16,000 to 20,0110 men, besides the state of Ireland, ecclesiastical affairs, and a variety of other subjects; all of which, he believed, would leave Ministers iu a minority. He thought it right to state his opinion without saying which way be should vote.
Sir S. Whalley expressed his concurrence with Colonel Evans on this point.
Steps have been taken in the city of Westminster for the organiza- tion of a Reform Club to watch the registry before the Barristers; and funds, if necessary, will be forthcoming. This example, so creditable to the Reformers of Westminster, ought to be generally adopted, and at once, particularly in such places as at the late election were so unprepared in this respect that the Tories contrived to return Members.— Globe.
An advertisement appeared in a morning paper of Monday, ..;'herein Sir Robert Peel, as Chancellor of the Exchequer, acknowledges the receipt of 7001. from some unknown person, who requested it to be applied to the public service, and who signs himself " Quits." A short time ago, in a similar advertisement the Secretary to the East India Company acknowledged the receipt of a handsome green velvet bag containing 700/. in gold.
This week, the workmen have been making preparations for erecting the gates at the grand entrance of Buckingham Palace, under the arch- way. The gates are of brass, similar in pattern to those under the triumphal arch at the top of Constitution Hill. Lord Granville Somerset has given directions to purchase the White Horse livery- stables and several houses adjoining, to make a more commodious approach to the Park and Palace on the Pimlico side. The coach- stand is to be removed further down James Street.