Cbr Airtropotio.
A Court of Aldermen was held on Monday, at which general busi- ness was transacted, but the members were particularly engaged in an investigation into the conduct of Mr. Brown,......
Debated An11 Prarraingst Fn Vittliamcd. 1. Repeal Of The...
On Tuesday, a number of petitions for the repeal of the Malt-tax were presented to the House of Commons by Sir C. FUIRELt, 1,0Id NORREYS, Lord DARLINGTON, Air. HODGES, Mr.......
An Appeal In The Cause Of Small Versus Attwood Is
set down in the House of Lords, and comes on for hearing in a few days. In conse- quence of the elevation of Sir Edward Sugden (who was engaged on the part of the defendant from......
Silt' Court.
THE King and Queen, who were erroneously stated to have left town for Windsor on Friday last week, attended divine service in the chapel of St. James's Palace on Sunday. After......