14 MARCH 1835, Page 14


Arrived—At Gravesend, March 12th, Salad*. Addison, from Mauritius. At Deal, 11th, Eliza Stewart, Miller, from China, At Portsmouth, 9th, Platina. Wilson, from Singapore; and 11th, his Majesty's ship Magicienue. from Madras. At Plymouth, 5th. Earl Bathurst. Smith, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 6th, Ann. Peurice, from China. At St. Helena, Jan. 23d, Augustus Cuesar, Wiseman. from Singapore; and St' mg, Barnett, front Mauritius ; 24th, Royal Sovereign, Henderson, from Chin.; APR Imogen, Riley ; 97th, &tritium, Rogers; and Miranda, Hopper, from Mauri. tins ; 31st, Fatima, Fathers, from Bengal ; Ilenry Wellesley, Johnson, from Ceylon; and Helen, Raphael, from Mauritius ; Feb. 1st, Elora, Blair, from Bombay ; Augustus, Carr, from Mauritius; Symmetry, Riley, from Singapore; Calcutta, Grundry, from Bengal; and I [melee from Madras. At Mauritius. Dec. 30th, Arabian. Boult, from Bristol ; Jan. 2d. Zoe, Holmes. from Liverpool ; Henry Bell, Wesley ; Symmetry, Stevens; awl 401. Eliza, Harris, from Loudon. At Bombay. previous to 1st Dec. Malabar, Tucker ; Lady Raffles, l'ollock ; and Morley, Douglas, from London ; and Annandale,—, 11.0111 the Clyde. At Bengal, Duke or Bedford, Bowen ; London, Wimble ; and Lord Hungerronl. —, from London. At Batavia. Oct. 27th, Zeno, Lawson; Nov. 6th. Feejee, Belay ; and 7th, Batavia. Bruhn, from Liverpool. At China, Oct. 19th. Manmis Camden, Larkius ; 14th, Bombay, Kellaway ; and Minerva, Templar, from London. Sailed—From Gravesend, March llth, Charles Carter, Christen, for the Cape.

SATURDAY MORNING, Arrived—At Deal, the Augustus Caesar, Wiseman, from Singapore. Off Dover, the Claudine. Keen, from the Cape.

Sailtsl— From Gravesend, the Madeline, Hamilton ; and Medway, Wright, from New South \\-ales.