14 MARCH 1835, Page 14



Sunderland, 101.11 March 1035, SIR—Observing that you have dedicated a portion of your iudepewlent journal tu the exposure of those Representatives of the People who have viulat.s1 their pledges given at the late elections, and betrayed the cause of Reform confided to them by their constituents; and noticing in your but Number that you have made Mr. ItAaer,ay's vote on the Address an cspecill object of your indignant animadversion; I beg to send you a few further particulars respecting that gentleman's conduct to his constituents, which I shall feel obliged by your giving a place to in your volumes.

In reply to my letter which appeared in the Globe of the 601 instant, and to which you ;diode, Mr. ItAtier,Av states—" feast de cy that I ever gave any pledge to rote for the Amendatent.'

A few facts will prove whether I have charged kiln with a breach of faith unjustly, or not.

The following question, of my dietating, was taken down in writing, by one of .14. BARCLAY'S most active and zealous Committee, iitet given to hint. " In the event of an Alm 'Amen, being mined to the Address, ertressire ,f a want of confidence in his ..11ajesty's present Ministers, will you support it or not,'" The answer returned as—" I t•epect nothing fecal, then; I cart girt. them credit fur nothing; and I can conseicntivas!g gf,2e a pledge to support sue4 an Amendment." I have the authority of a highly-respectable elector of this town to state, he made the promise of his ride mei in'eest to Mr. Barclay dependent On his giving Taira an un- qualified pledge to supp,rt an Amendment to the Addre-s ; which he agreed to.

In a letter to Mr. ALEXANDER B I. AXLAN D. dated 3d January List, in reply to the following question—" Will you to the utmost of your power oppose IL Tory Adminis- tration ?" Mr. ItAncLAv says—" Esteeming myself a lb:former of the Grey school, if elected a Representative of the People, I shall be found in opps:tion to tire present 'Tory Administration."

I think, Sir, you will allow that these are proofs sufficiently ample and varied, to stamp Mr. BARCLAY wash apostacy from the cause of Reform, and a betrayal of the confidence reposed in him by his constituents, and with a rieiation qf a solemn pledge.

Proofs might easily be multiplied ; but the high character of the elector (whose name, to Mr. BARCLAY'S recollection at least; must be quite familiar.shoutd this epistle meet his view') for every quality that (+nobles man, and his own pledge in writing, are more than enough for establishing my charge against him, and to prevent him from even being placed among Mr. Ht: ME's " loose fish," as certainly as his conduct on the Address has excited one universal feeling of disgust and titter regret among his lest friends he-re, that he was ever elected for this borough.

And 1 think, Sir, you will agree with me that Mr. BARCLAY is bound, as a gentle- man, immediately to resign his seat. I am, Sir, your obedient servant,