14 MARCH 1835, Page 15


LEMAITRE has left us, just as the public were becoming alive to his extraordinary merits. However, his fame is thoroughly established in this country ; and whenever he returns he will be more enthusiastically welcomed. While he remained, we could think of no other actor. He filled the cold vacuity of the French stage, and made the rich com- pleteness of the scenic accessories of our own theatres seem mere pageants. But he is gone ; and since his departure we have been con- soling ourselves by running the round of the Minors, and chasing the gay butterfly burlettas that succeed each other in such rapid succession at the Olympic and the Queen's. Not that we have forsaken the French Plays ; for JENNY VERTPRE has revisited us after a long absence, looking as pretty, petite, and piquante as ever. Who that has seen her as La Chore can forget the charming air of probability which she throws over her pretended metamorphosis ? How uncon- sciously the feline instinct develops itself at sight of a bird or a cream-jug ! with what kitten-like playful grace she whisks round after her tail ! one expects every minute to see her down on all-fours scampering after a mouse. In her personation of La Heine de 16 Ans, the quiet- ness, self-possession, decision, and quickness of her manner, and the meaning and esprit of every look, tone, and gesture, give completeness and animation to her exquisitely-finished miniature portrait of the high- spirited and wilful girl-queen. The Adelphi version of Macaire, which we charitably forbore to notice last week, was, it seems, intended as a burlesque. It is absurd enough, but too unlike, for a parody. The gross buffoonery of BUCK- STONE and the coarse exaggeration of YATES may indeed find some excuse in the licence of broad caricature : but, so far from creating a laugh at the expense of their prototypes, YATES and BUCESTONE hold only themselves up to ridicule. YATES'S Lenten entertainment is as various and as little less sub- stantial than others, as arc the fish dinners of those who for form's sake banish flesh from their tables twice a week and call it fasting. In ad- dition to YATES'S monopolylogue it la MaTilEws, Mrs. KEELEY gives, in a very chaste style, a few short and sweet " Reminiscences of Song," illustrated by appropriate tableaux cleans ; REEVE sings and acts one or two of his favourite comic seenas ; and the living, or as we should call them still-life pictures, are followed by the evanescent views of Mr. CIIII.DE, that " come like shadows and so depart." At the Olympic, YESTRIS plays winningly JERROLD'S Hearts and Diamonds; and very pretty " picture-cards" they are too. If the plot were even more intricate, and the persons less interesting than they are, the piece would be worth seeing, for the completeness and picturesque effect of the costumes and scenes, to say nothing of LISTON'S acting and VESTRIS'S looks and manner. The last novelty is An Ajlidr of Hatour ; and it is not less absurd, though infinitely more amusing, than such affairs usually are. KEELEY, as Captain Carnage, a very game-cock of a hero, labouring under a plethora of love and glory, and LISTON, as a cavalry Narcissus and lady- killer, are the principals ; their weapons being, not pistol and bullet, but pill-box and bolus. The ludicrous state of apprehension and sus- pense in which each is placed while watching for the effects of the poison on the other, and anticipating through fear its operation on him- self, is raised to a climax of laughable horror, by the Doctor telling them that both pills were poisoned in mistake. They are, however, consoled by the promise of an antidote ; which appears in the attractive shape of the Doctor's wife, whom both had been pestering with their amatory professions, and for whose possession they had resorted at her husband's suggestion to the medicinal mode of duelling—more warlike ones being prohibited. The pills, more potent than any the pharma- copceia can furnish, cure both their love and animosity. This is only the clue to the fun ; which every one who loves a hearty laugh should go and enjoy. The arch and sprightly acting of Miss FITZWALTER, as the lady, deserves mention. Another burletta, entitled Court Beachies, is advertised for this evening. At the Queen's they don't observe Lent ; but, night by night, there are five or six—we speak by the card—five or six burlettinas, farcettes, comediettas, or what not ; and in most of them Mrs. NISBET and her two handsome and lady-like sisters appear. We cannot take account of these " small deer" individually; but what with pretty faces, smart dresses, and lively acting, the adventures of lovers and gallants in out- witting silly old aunts and obstinate old uncles, by the aid of intriguing valets and waiting-women, tell very effectively in various shapes. WRENCH in the footmen and adventurers, BARNETT in Jews and Frenchmen, TILBURY in the old boys, ELTON in the serious heroes, Mrs. WESTON in the formal dames, and Mrs. BRINDAL in the lively rattling girls, in addition to the talent and personal attractions of the sisters three, make tip a company, which only wants a better brace of lovers and low comedians to be quite complete for farce and petite comedy. Lestoeq has been got up at the Victoria, without the music—no great loss—and makes a very showy melodramatic spectacle. MITCHELL is there too, and has been playing Man Fred. The season concludes to-night, and a new one commences on Monday. The Victoria seasons, like those of nature, seem to need no pause. A burlesque, by LEMAN REDE, with the promising title of the Rehearsal, or the Revolt of the Actors, is announced for Monday.