TursE concerts, once the school of vocal excellence and the seat of fashion, are gradually becoming a mere dirty and vulgar job, and seem destined to sink down into an appendage to the Tenterden Street School. It was the uniform practice of the Directors, in the proud and palmy days of this establishment, to engage the best performers of the time for the entire season,—such, for example, as Marta, IIlDLINGTON,. STORAGE, HARRISON ; or, afterwards, Mrs. SALMON, Miss STEPHENS, Mrs. DICKONS, VAUGHAN, and BARTLLMAN. The list of names was announced to the subscribers, who knew that the services of all the singers would be available for every concert. This yeas the Directors have adopted a new plan, which it is right the public should be apprized of, as the Ancient Concerts are now open to others as well as to the subscribers. A circular has been addressed ton c-rtain number of vocal performers, offering them, not an engagement for the season, but for one or two nights. These engagements having been concluded, the en- tire list is announced ; although, probably, not one fourth of the singers will appear on any single night. The places of the absentees ore to be supplied with young ladies and gentlemen from the Tenterden Street School, many of whom are engaged fur the whole season. To com- pensate for this want of attractive power in the Orchestra, it has been announced that the Queen intends being present at one of tins concerts ; when Lord BE:scut:11Sn (W110, it seems, is the WELLINGTON of the Di- rectors) will secure the assistance of the Prima Donna at the King's Theatre.