14 MARCH 1835, Page 18


A KTIqUIT I EA, Topography of Thel es, and General View of lig; pt. Being n short Account of the Principal Objects woc,hy of notice iu the Valley of the Nile. to the Second Cataract, &c. NV:Pi Remarks on the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, and tae Productions of the Com.t.l, &e. By .1. G. 11 ilkiuson, Esq. Murray. Thoonsrav,

Memoirs of Mirabelli', Biographical, Literary. and Political. Ily Himself, his

Father, his Uuele, and his Adopted Child. Vols. 1. and II CI. art an.

Thu History of England. fly the Rev. T. S. Hughes, II.D. Front the Death of G. orge the Second, in 1719, With Historical Illustrations and Portraits... f'alpy ARCOT:M.00Y.

Facts, Legal A1141 Historical; with other Antiquarian Matter, chiefly relative to Scotland. By John Riddell, Esq. Advocate Clark, Ediaburyk. M A NU r•rTr tits.

The British Wine-tralter and Dmnestic Brewer. A complete, vortical, and rasp Treatise on the Alt and Management ut British Wines and Liqueurs, and Do- mestic Brewing. By W. II. Roberts. Simplon and Marshall ; Wireranrf B fed, Bella.