14 MARCH 1835, Page 2

Tho Emperor FRANCIS of Austria died, at Vienna, at one

o'clock on the morning of the 2d instant. He is succeeded by his son FERDINAND, styled the King of Hungary during the late Emperor's lifetime. It was surmised that some change might take place in the policy and Ministry of the Austrian empire oil the accession of the new Monarch; but this is not the case; FERDINAND lost no time in assuring METTERNICH that nothing would be altered. The following letter appeared in the Augsburg Gazette of the 7th instant, and puts this fact beyond doubt.


" Dear Prince Metternich-1 enclose you a copy of a letter which 1 have just addressed to the Grand Marshal of the Court.

" Profoundly affected by the unfortunate event which has filled us all with sorrow, MO overwhelmed myself in particular with the severest agony. I must for the present confine myself to acknowledging the services which you have rendered to my late exalted parent. to my family, and to the state; to the assuring you of my grace and favour; to calling upon you tar a cont. t , of your services ; and to commission you to antumuce to all those employed under you in the public service, either at home or abroad. without exceptiou. that they are continued in their various places. offices, and dignities; and, further, that, in the full conviction of the conscientiousness and fidelity with which they will continue to discharge their duties according to the Standing orders, I dispense with the solemn renewal of their oaths. - In reference to the new title and armorial ensigns, you will make the necessary arrangements, or lay them before me; and you will also give the requisite instrautious to the proper authorities in the various departments as to the alterations in the seals of Mike and in the mintage.