Their Lordships had some conversation respecting the commutation of the punishment of death to transportation in the case of Lynam, an Irishman recently convicted of murder. The crime was committed se- veral years ago, and others had been executed for being accomplices in it ; but Lynam, though the principal, had been reprieved by the Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland, without any communication with the Judges. This was the case stated by Lord CHARLEVILLE. Lord NORMANDY declined to make any reply : if a regular motion were made, he should no doubt be furnished by Lord Ebrington with materials for answering the charge.
The Lords received many petitions from Scotch Non-Intrusionists, and then adjourned.
The Commons were chiefly occupied with a discussion in Committee 011 Lord John Russell's 6' Printed Papers Bill." Sir EDWARD RHODEN made an ineffectual attempt to extend to proprietors of newspapers, and other publishers of Parliamentary papers, the protection which the bill -would give to persons directly authorized by the House. Lord Jonx RUSSELL and the SOLICITOR-GENERAL objected to the amendment, as going beyond the scope of the bill. An amendment by Sir EDWARD SUODEN to limit the operation of the clause -which gives indemnity to the officers of the House acting under the Speaker's warrant, and who, Sir Edward said, might act illegally though the warrant itself was legal, is postponed for further consideration. Another, to provide for the liberation of the prisoners in custody for breach of privilege when the actions should be terminated by the operation of the bill, was nega- tived without a division. An attempt to introduce a clause to subject persons giving false testimony before Committees to the penalties of perjury, was defeated by a vote of 120 to 20. The report is to be re- ceived on Monday.
The House resolved, by h majority of 98 to 33, that Stockdale had been guilty of a breach of privilege in bringing his fifth action against the Hansards.
Lord PALMERSTON stated, that in the course of the evening he had received despatches from Mr. Superintendent Elliot, mentioning the blockade of Canton Port, and subsequent "disturbances "—the term by which his Lordship was pleased to designate the battle between the Volage and the junks. Some additional votes on the Army Estimates were taken in a Com- mittee of Supply—almost without remark.
Mr. EMERSON TENNENT withdrew the Designs Copyright Bill ; the SPEAKER having ruled, that, as affecting trade, it ought to have been founded on a resolution passed by a Committee of the whole House.
Mr. HosiE presented a petition from Pollockshaws in Scotland, pray- ing for law reform, and complaining of the ruinous expense of trials by jury, which caused suitors to fly from them with terror instead of resort- ing to them ibr justice.
No other business of importance was transacted.