Means Will No Doubt Be Taken To Place Our Trade
for the future on a sure basis ; and should the Chinese authorities resist, it is believed by parties who have been long resident in China, that the conflict with our trtops......
News From New Zealand.
Intelligence of the safe arrival of the Tory—the beautiful ship which carried out Colonel Wakefield and his exploring staff to New Zealand, five months prior to the emigration......
From A Report Of Commissioners Appointed To Inquire Into The
condi- tion of the banks in the State of New York, it appears that the " re- sources " of these institutions were estimated on the 1st of January 1840 at 79,318,629 dollars, and......
East India Shipping.
The Sunda, Greif:, from London to China, was wrecked on Hainan Island the 12th October—six assengers and eleven oh' the crew drowned. The Frances Chariot e, Metcalf, from London......
Their Lordships had some conversation respecting the commutation of the punishment of death to transportation in the case of Lynam, an Irishman recently convicted of murder. The......
On Friday, The India Mail From London Passed Through Paris.
There were thirty-six boxes, containing, besides despatches, 30,000 letters! The Queen of Portugal dissolved the Conies on the 25th ultimo, during the debate on the Slave-trade......
Money Market.
STOCK ENCKANOK, FRTDAV APTERNODN. The motion of the Chancellor of the Exchequer for a Committee upon the subject of banking has given rii.e to all sorts of reports as to the......