14 MARCH 1840, Page 17



Memoirs of a Prisoner of State ha the Fortress of Spielberg. By ALEX- ANDER A.NDRYANE, tallow-captive of Count Confalomeri ; with an Appendix by MARONCELLI, the companion of Silvio Pellico. Trans- lated by FORTUNATO PRANDI. In WO vols.

Namtiire (tf a Voyage to Madeira, Tenerilre, and along the Shores of the Med:terranean; including a visit to Algiers, Egypt, Palestine, Tyre, Rhodes, Telmessus, Cyprus, and Greece. With Observations on the present state and prospects of Egypt and Palestine, and on the climate, natural history, antiquities, &c. of the countries visited. By W. R. WILDE, M.R.1.A. In two vols.

The „Dramatic Works of Massinger and Ford. With an Introduction, by HARTLEY COLERIDGE.

The History of British India. By JAMES MILL, Esq. Fourth Edition. 'With Notes and Continuation, by HORACE HAYMAN WILSON, M.A., F.R.S., &c. Vol. H.

The countess. By THEODORE S. FAY, Esq., Author of "Norman Leslie," Sic. In three vols.

Theory of Parallels. The proof of Euelid:s Axiom looked for in the pro- perties of the Equiangular Spiral. By Lieutenant-Colona T. PER■ RONET TnosirsoN, F.R.S., of Queen's College, Cambridge.

The Religious Wars of:France, from the ACT( SSiOIL of Henry the Second to the Peace of Veretns. By JONATHAN DUNCAN, Esq., B.A., Author of" Memoirs of the Dukes of Normandy," &c. [A useful work relating to an interesting period, both in itself and its effects ; mid one which is often alluded to in history, and been made the foundation of many a romance, but a full account of which was not accessible to the English reader, until the appearance of BOWRING'S HiSiOry of the Huguenots and the present volume. The subject of Mr. DUNCAN'S Work, however, is limited, as its title implies, to the Religious Wars of France ; beginning with the conspira- cies that marked the accession of FRANCIS the Second, (15490 narrating the Massacre of Saint Bartholomew and the contests of the League, and ending with the Peace of Yervins, signed in 1595, soon after the accession of HENRY the Fourth.

The work is only a compilation,but clear and readable. Mr. DUNCAN wants the vigour of mind and originality of an historian, but he has the industry and tact of a compiler.] On the Influence of Artiacial Light in causing Impaired Vision, and out some methods of preventing or lessening its injurious action on the Eye. By JAMES HUNTER, MD., Surgeon to the Eye Dispensary of Edin- burgh. [ A scientific yet popular exposition of the subjeet indicated in the title. The cs,,ential difference between diseases of the external parts of the eye, or image- fowling organs, and nervous affections of the retime, or image-feeling organs, is clearly pointed out ; together with the causes and methods of treating that weakness of vision arising from insensibility of the retina, produced by over- excitement of the optic nerves. Among other contrivances for mitigating the pernicious influence of artificial light, we may instance the very cheap and simple one of a metal shade to the lamp or candle, painted inside of a sky-blue colour to balance the predominance of red and yellow rays.] Sonic/to. By ROBERT BROWNING. [What this poem may be in its extent we are unable to say, for we cannot read it. Whatever may be the poetical spirit of Mr. Buowritxo, it is so over- laid in Sordello by digression, affectation, obscurity, and all the faults that spring, it would seem, from crudity of plan and a self-opinion which will neither cull thoughts nor revise composition, that the reader—at least a reader of our stamp—turns away. The scene is laid in Italy, during the age of Frederick the Second, when the country was in its palmy state, aud the con- test of the Guelphs and Ghibellines in full rigour.1 77wmas Becket; a Dramatic Chronicle, in five acts. By GEORGE DAREEY, Author of" Sylvia, or the May-Queen," &e. [A piece in the form of a drama, but not designed for representation. It displays historical reading, and some knowledge of the age, with more of reality or ratter less of namby-pamby than is often found in the dialogue of znodern dran,atic poems.] Po em, of Chivalry, Faery, and the Olden Time. By WALTER PRI- rEAUX, Esq.

rhe Letters of Thrace Waipok, Earl of Orford: including numerous Letters now first published from the original. manuscripts. In six vols. Vol. II. 1744-1753.

[The second volume of this valuable collection embraces the Letters of WAL- POLE from 1744 to 1753; including, amongst other important public events, full notices of the effects of' the Pretender's invasion on the mind of the public. The portraits are Lady SUFFOLK, mistress of GEORGE the Second, Sir HORACE MADEN, Mr. BENTLEY, and Gem...) Ernest Malt ravers. By Sir E. L. But WEB, Bart., M.P., M.A. [The novelty in this volume is a preface, which explains the point we no- ticed—the omission of the best novels of the author from the collected edition of his works. It appears that nearly 1,500/. or some definite share of the profits, was offered to Messrs. COEBURN and BENTLEY for permission to re- print Pelham, Eugene Aram, &e. This proposal it was not very likely they would accede to; since it would entirely destroy the sale of their own copies, in consequence of the present edition containing all the mechanical improvements in externals which every year now produces, and being also sold in separate volumes, whilst it might interfere with the circulation of the series in which those works are now exclusively embodied. The bibliopoles, however, declined the proposition with diplomatic civility, alleging the "great value," &c.; which Sir EDWARD takes in good faith.] Lives of the Queens of England, from the Norman conquest; with Anec- dotes of their Courts, now first published from official records and other authentic documents, private as well as public. By AGNES STRICK- LAND. Vol. II.

This volume contains memoirs of the eight Queens of seven Kings of Eng- land, including the first two RICHARDS, the first three EDWARDS, JOHN, and the third Ilesur ; most of them full of interest. The chroniclers, and public rolls and records, furnish abundant materials for this chamber-history of the English Sovereigns ; for even the apocryphal anecdotes and overcharged de- scriptions of contemporaries contain enough of general truth to illustrate the manners of the court, and the personal appearance, habits, and modes of life of the monarchs and their spouses. Miss STRICKLAND'S easy and gossiping style is suitable to the subject ; and glancing over her pages is like listening to a back-stairs narrative of queenly, doings and court scandal, where great events are but the accessories to petty circumstances.] The Philosophy of Joint Stock Banking. By G. M. BELL.

[A plain and practical treatise, by a practical man, on the salient points of Joint Stock Banking.]


A new of time Evidences of Christianity. By WILLIAM PALEY, D.D. (Christian Literature.) A Short and Easy Method with the Jews. By the Rev. CHARLES LES- LIE, M.A. (Christian Literature.) Biographical Memoir of Jeremy Taylor, D.D. (Christian Literature.) Course of Sermons for all the Sundays of the Year. By JEREMY TAYLOR, D.D. Part second. (Christian Literature.) A Supplement to the Course of Sermons for the whole Year ; being twelve Sermons explaining the nature of Faith and Obedience, in relation to God, and the Ecclesiastical and Secular Powers, respectively. By JEREMY TAYLOR, MD. (Christian Literature.) The Truth of Christianity Demonst, ated, in a Dialogue betwixt a Chris- tian and a Deist ; wherein the case of' the Jews is likewise considered. By the late Rev. CHARLES LESLIE, M.A. (Christian Literature.) Hone Paulina ; or the Truth of the Scripture History of St. Paul evinced. By WILLIAM PALEY, D.D. (Christian Literature.) [These publications are a continuation of the cheap and well-printed collection of the Christian classics formerly noticed, consisting of a somewhat more popular selection, as Paley's Evidences, and Hone Pauliner.] Encyclopwdia Britannica. Part CXVI.


The London Temperance Magazine. No. I.

[An organ of Tee-totalism, advocating the " Total-abstinence " pledge, by fictions and facts showing the evils of drunkenness.]


Improved Method of Education in the Sciences and Arts, and more espe- cially in the Sciences connected with Medicine. By CHARLES WATT, Lecturer on Chemistry.

[An excellent suggestion of a well-arranged and methodical course of demon- strative instruction in scientific knowledge, of which daily examinations form an essential feature. It would be a valuable substitute for the present loose and scrambling mode of education, according to which the medical student picks up information as a barn-door fowl gathers food, and is afterwards crammed preparatory to the " plucking" of au examination : this last process being as capricious and cruel as it is inefficient for its purpose.]

A Brief Ezposure of the deplorable Condition of the Hill Coolies in British Guiana and Mauritius, and of the nefarious means by which they were induced to resort to these colonies.

An Address to the People of the United Kingdom, on the Corn-Laws. By the Earl of TYRCONNEEL.

Common Sense versus Socialism; an Address to the Working Classes : being an exposition of the errors and fallacies of the principles of the people calling themselves " Socialists," as expressed in their six Social Tracts in particular, and their periodical and other writings in general. By CLARA LUCAS BALFOUR.

Repeal of the Corn-Laws. Address of the Metropolitan Anti-Corn-Law Association.

How to Spend a Day. By IIEsTny WARE jun., D.D., Professor of Pulpit Eloquence and the pastoral care in Harvard University.